Technicus Consulting’s Structural Design & Consultancy Input Praised by CEO of Neptune

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For the last 3 years Technicus Consulting has been providing structural design and consultancy services to Neptune Subsea Stabilisation Services based on Singapore. This has involved advising on structural design development of various structural components, preparation of preliminary and detailed design calculations and drawings, and provision of general engineering support. Projects have varied from the design of complex offshore lifting and handling frames for large reinforced concrete subsea structures, through to design of subsea reinforced concrete protection structures and services crossing supports.

Neptune is a leading provider of integrated inspection, repair and maintenance solutions to the oil and gas, marine and renewable energy industries. Headquartered in Perth, Western Australia, Neptune’s presence spans operational centres located throughout Australia in Perth, Darwin, Melbourne and the UK and Asia.

Technicus Consulting’s engineering input has been recognised by Neptune CEO Robin King, based in Perth, Western Australia.  Robin said:

“I have been aware of your engineering support to our stabilisation service line on various projects.

“In particular I’d like to thank you all for the recent works on the Hasbah Redevelopment Phase II Project, whereby I understand you have worked with our team to re-engineer the lifting arrangements on a number of pre-cast concrete crossing supports.  This was critical from an operational and commercial perspective as the proprietary devices originally detailed were not usable so far as I am aware, and your engineering efficiency, turn-around and responsiveness is recognised.  Despite a few construction challenges, we have almost completed the first phase of works.

“Additionally, I am aware you have also undertaken the design of pre-cast crossing bridge structures and the installation frame, both of which were variations to Neptune, and probably as a result of the success of the initial engineering.

“I hope we can continue to work together on similar projects, and thank you again for your support.”

Technicus Consulting look forward to a continued and prosperous working relationship with Neptune going forward.