Barn Conversion

Project Description

Neatishead Hall Barns

Neatishead Hall, Neatishead, Norfolk

Technicus were appointed as Contract Administrator, Civil Engineer and Structural Engineer for the first phase of the conversion of a range of derelict and semi-derelict barns to form purpose built holiday accommodation, in a farm setting.

The scheme was partially European Union funded, as part of an initiative to provide diversification to farms and bring derelict agricultural buildings back into use.

Building Surveying services included the preparation of contract documents to JCT Minor Works contract, including a specification, contract preambles and schedule of works, tendering, analysis and reporting.

Day to day management of the contract included inspecting works in progress, preparation of valuations, certificates of payment, extension of time, snagging and final account certification.

In addition, following retirement of the Architect, Technicus liaised with the Planning and conservation departments of the local authority on a range of planning issues, including applications for Listed Building Consent and determination of Planning Approval conditions.

Technicus also provided Structural Engineering services for the conversion and Civil Engineering advice, including the design of new highway accesses, new access road, and sewage and surface water disposal via a drainage field.

Barn Conversion

More Information
  • Sector: Conservation
  • Client: JH & PE Nicholson Limited
  • Value: £350,000
  • Completion: 2013